KidsPlay Youth Foundation
Kids Play is a non profit organization working towards keeping kids away from the lifestyle of drugs, gangs, and violence.
Kids Play holds sports tournaments, conferences, and other projects for the youth community to learn about the opportunities they can seize within life. The organization is operated by leaders from all across the Lower Mainland wanting to bring a positive change within the community. Kids Play believes their work will allow the youth to discover the potential they have within themselves to reach greater heights in any aspect of life. For more information visit https://kidsplayfoundation.com/
The Surrey Hospital Foundation
Surrey Hospital Foundation is a registered charity, the largest non-government funder of healthcare for families in Surrey and surrounding Fraser Valley communities. For over 25 years they’ve made it their mission to help people in our community get the best possible care closer to home. The foundation runs over 50 clinics and programs while supporting over 237,557 patient visits per year. For more information visit https://surreyhospitalfoundation.com/

Kelowna Women’s Shelter
Since 1980, The Kelowna Women’s Shelter has offered a safe place to stay, and essentials such as food, clothing, and toiletries for women who have to flee quickly and don’t have time to prepare. They offer ongoing counselling, support and preventive education programs, all at no cost.
For a full list of programs and services visit https://kelownawomensshelter.ca/programs/
Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation
The Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation is a registered, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to honoring Canada’s fallen firefighters.
The objectives of the Foundation are:
- To operate the Canadian Firefighters Annual Memorial Ceremony and update the memorial wall.
- To provide financial subsidies to families of fallen firefighters for transportation to and lodging in Ottawa during the memorial weekend.
- To provide support programs along with scholarships and bursaries for the children and spouses of firefighters whose line of duty death is recognized by the Foundation.
For more information visit https://www.cfff.ca/EN/index.html

Terry Fox Foundation
Terry Fox was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma (bone cancer) in his right leg in 1977 and had his leg amputated 15 cm (six inches) above the knee. While in hospital, Terry was so overcome by the suffering of other cancer patients that he decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. He called his journey the Marathon of Hope.
Terry’s Marathon of Hope took place in 1980 with the simple objective of informing Canadians of the importance of finding a cure for cancer. With fierce determination, he ran an average of 42 kilometres (26 miles) every day for 143 days. Terry was forced to end his run on September 1, 1980 when the cancer spread to his lungs.
By February 1, 1981, Terry’s dream of raising $1 for every Canadian was realized – the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope fund totaled $24.17 million. For more information visit https://terryfox.org/
Soar Philanthropic Society
Providing local youth with scholarships and educational resources to become the leaders of tomorrow
SOAR Philanthropic Society is a youth led non profit organization in British Columbia that recognizes and values hardworking individuals in the community who wish to pursue their passion in post secondary education. We create an environment that connects youth through providing scholarships and hosting innovative projects that aim to motivate and drive the future generation of leaders. We at SOAR believe that there should be no barriers in achieving academic excellence and reaching your highest potential. Our educational resources not only provide support, but inspires youth to achieve further excellence.
For more information visit https://www.soarps.org/